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Amazon bets on an office-centric comeback

“Our plan is to return to an office-centric culture as our baseline. We believe it enables us to invent, collaborate, and learn together most effectively”. The previous quote was taken from a memo sent to Amazon collaborators, who are expected to return to the office space by fall of this year. ...
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Kuzzy and Their Little Big Giant

“Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties”, Erich Fromm .Founded in 1975, Kuzzy is a company from Chihuahua that is dedicated to the manufacture of trailers and truck bodywork, however, the company has a great passion for innovation and they are not satisfied with the way things are done, ...
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Tech Talent: Training Solutions

As a businessman, you surely know the importance of investing in infrastructure, technology, and work equipment, however, how much are you investing in your human capital? Just because there is a new technology program on the market, it does not mean that your team cannot use it, they simply need training. ...
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The Good Habits Your Company Needs

Let's boost economic and social development by improving the habits and attitudes of the workforce. It happens a lot in companies that a destructive habit prevents achieving the expected result and causes unnecessary expenses for the company. Hábitos Buenos®'s main focus is to develop a culture of ethics and continuous improvement ...
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Occupational blackout and emergency workspaces

As Abraham Maslow has stated, the needs of people are categorized and ranked according to the importance they have in our lives. Sadly, the El Paso and Ciudad Juárez region, like many others, are receiving a cold shock to these needs with the blackout. A few days ago, we celebrated the ...
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How Much Budget Should I Invest in Ads for Social Media?

One of the most important things for most businesses regardless of their size is to create their online profiles on the various social media platforms. If you still don’t have them, what are you waiting for?! The first questions that every client always asks me are: is it costly? Should I put ...
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