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Hybrid Offices: Advantages and Disadvantages

Office rental has evolved over time, so much that we are now in the era of hybrid offices. The pandemic caused many of us to work from remote places in order to avoid infections and stay safe, however, not all of us enjoy this modality, either due to technical problems or ...
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Presenting the 4th Cohort of The Bridge Accelerator

As you may have heard, The Bridge accelerator 4th cohort has kicked off into acceleration and we re very excited to share with you a little bit about the participating companies during the 2021 spring program. This cohort has a mix of digital services, technology development, as well as manufacturing ...
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Office Centric Culture & Social Life

"I don't know about you but I'm absolutely sick and tired of being the same person all day as I slouch around at home. I want to have different clothes, go into the office, see different people who become my lifelong friends and have a complete laugh when I'm there." ...
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The Bridge Accelerator 4th cohort launches into acceleration

On Tuesday April 6th it was officially announced the start of the 2021 Spring program of The Bridge Accelerator, a binational supplier development program. During the kickoff event, invited speaker Joe kirgues, Gener8tor co-founder, gave his expert advice during the conference A Cup of Joe: where to begin raising capital ...
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Un teatro de sombras para creer

“Yo soy de la fiel idea de que debemos educar completamente desde la niñez y, sobre todo, los temas de actualidad, como la inclusión”, Christian Valenzuela, director de Charza Instituto de Wu Shu. Cuentos chinos para creer es un proyecto creado por HUBarte en colaboración con Wu Shu Kung Fu Charza. Uno ...
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What is a HUB?

A HUB should function as a hive in each city it is established. Bees from all fields converge to collaborate and improve the quality and production of honey. A HUB is an ecosystem made up of businesses, both local and international. People connect in these business centers and entrepreneurs can access ...
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