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A conversation with Monica Lozano: One of the most influential latinas in the U.S.

Monica Lozano is the current Chair of Aspen Institute’s Latinos and Society Program; she is in the board of directors of companies like Walt Disney, The Rockefeller Foundation and The Bank of America. Monica is regarded as one of the most influential Latinas in the United States, trusted by presidents and ...
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Bohemios, Libros y Aventuras: Noche Bohemia de Mayo en Technology HUB

“Autor, viajero, ultra corredor rechoncho, papá. Me gustan los perros, las mulas y las bicicletas”, así se describe Tom Fremantle en su cuenta de Twitter. En la Noche Bohemia de Mayo presentó su libro para niños, Pancho’s Song, basado en una aventura de 1,000 millas (aprox. 1,600 km) que realizó ...
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