As Abraham Maslow has stated, the needs of people are categorized and ranked according to the importance they have in our lives. Sadly, the El Paso and Ciudad Juárez region, like many others, are receiving a cold shock to these needs with the blackout.

A few days ago, we celebrated the day of love and friendship, spending on gifts and delicious dinners because we had our basic needs met. Virtually no one imagined that the next day we would find ourselves without electricity, water or internet or an effective way to communicate, and on Monday!

Seeing the emergency situation that occurred in the region, Technology HUB decided to do its part through the goal it always had: to connect minds. Thus, the Day Pass is offered to get an emergency workspace for you and your collaborators in which they can stay connected.

If your pyramid of needs has been turned upside down and you need electricity, water or internet, it is not necessary that you commit to having an office for a month to make use of these basic services, with the Day Pass you become a member for a day and you can make use of the workspaces, kitchens, bathrooms and other common areas of the campus. Stay connected with your team!

Why get a Day Pass?

Andrés Manuel López Obrador reported today (February 16) that this problem would be resolved no later than the day after tomorrow. It's something we all want to hear: the exact date this ends. However, even with the efforts of the CFE and other government institutions, an exact date for this is not guaranteed. But, let's not panic. What can you do about it?

The electrical contingency could not have happened at a worse time. The cold settled in the region and this blackout reminded us how hard it was to survive extreme cold before electricity. With your Day Pass you will work in a warm space with unlimited coffee and tea service. Make the best of a bad situation!

Likewise, businesses with satellite offices in Texas and Chihuahua have had problems maintaining communication in the absence of internet and signal. In Technology HUB you can count on a temporary workspace that keeps you connected with the matrix of your company or simply to meet the deadlines of your tasks and responsibilities.

A follower on Twitter asked everyone on the platform if we could overcome this electrical contingency to return to normality of the health contingency. In Technology HUB you can. Work the days you want with the Day Pass in a safe and warm environment.

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