Office rental has evolved over time, so much that we are now in the era of hybrid offices.

The pandemic caused many of us to work from remote places in order to avoid infections and stay safe, however, not all of us enjoy this modality, either due to technical problems or other issues. For this reason, the hybrid office model arised. This is great news for employers who seek to give their team the option of having a space where they can feel safe and will allow them to concentrate and be more productive. A hybrid office model can be defined as “the flexibility a company offers to their collaborators to work alternating times between home and office”. As you can imagine, this raises many questions, such as: why even have an office if it won't always be occupied?

Many people have the misconception that this model only benefits the worker since they can choose, for example, to perform certain tasks from home and only go to the office when necessary. However, if you think about it, this way managers can also save money and improve the work quality of their employees at the same time.

Without a doubt, it can seem expensive for a company to pay for a workspace that is not being utilized for as long as possible. Offices within business centers like Technology HUB end up being less expensive for companies because memberships include the cost of maintenance, security, and cleaning. In spaces like those, you get a complete service, including reception services and constant disinfection of shared spaces, which is one of the most important points that businesses must address during the pandemic to offer a hygienic and safe place for their teams. All-inclusive business centers like Technology HUB also offer benefits that increase the work quality of your collaborators, such as common areas, kitchens, meeting rooms and the opportunity to connect with different companies.

Technology HUB takes the hybrid office experience to the next level by offering flexible memberships and even Day or Week Pass. Flexible memberships allow you to share an office between several people, alternating their schedules as long as they do not exceed the capacity allowed by the contingency, which can represent even greater savings for your company.


1. Increased productivity and happiness. Alternating between working from home and attending the office in person allows you to make better use of your time. You will surely notice that tasks are carried out with a better attitude with the hybrid office modality.

2. Low cost. Having a flexible workspace or membership in an all-inclusive business center not only saves you the hassle of maintaining an office space it also saves you money! If you plan and rotate your collaborator’s schedules effectively you won’t need a large space and will be able to take full advantage of it’s services like internet, security and cleaning while not having to worry about such expenses.

3. Security during the pandemic. A business center with office space rentals handles all ongoing disinfection and cleaning work. In the same way, you reduce the capacity of people inside a closed space for a long time, which increases the safety of all by respecting the recommended healthy distance.


1. Possible conflict within the team. As some are at home and others in person, a negative effect can occur. Those who work remotely may come to work longer because they feel they have to make up for time away from the office. On the other hand, those in the office may come to believe that others are not trying hard enough at home because they’re out of sight. This can lead to annoyance in some and emotional problems among the team, so keep that in mind.

2. Increased technological dependence. To work successfully remotely, you must have the technological tools to perform your functions from anywhere. Likewise, not everyone has a good internet connection and, if the equipment belongs to the company, it could be damaged sooner due to its constant movement. Be clear about your equipment’s policies for proper use and proper care of electronic devices.

3. Redesign of office spaces. Another disadvantage is that your collaborators will have to agree on the distribution of space and the times they want to attend to respect the capacity allowed by the pandemic inside an office while maintaining proper distance. However, sometimes organizing everyone's agendas can be complicated.

Technology HUB is the ideal space for a safe return to the office. We have the best workspaces for your collaborators to work without distractions and increase their productivity.

Get to know us and quote the perfect office for you today!