Lately everything has to be updated. I’m not only talking about the software, cell phone apps, or other digital things like video games, I’m referring to every single aspect of our lives. We’re currently riding a wave of updates due to tech advances that profoundly and undoubtedly affect everything around us; ideologies, laws, customs, beliefs, habits, practices, etc. which in turn make up our way of life.

It all started with the arrival of the internet. Now we have more access to information than ever before, which allows us to connect our minds with the rest of the planet and expand human knowledge to find creative solutions to the problems we face globally. It allows us to explore and exponentially increase the possibilities, we now can see beyond the individual and ultimately helps us overcome cultural barriers.   

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Technology has given us amazing tools that help us to go further, not only in our daily lives but also as a species. Digital tools took us to the moon and now they’ve made the possibility of reaching Mars a reality. These digital tools can also take your business or company figuratively to Mars, helping you grow and facilitate transformation according to changing market trends. However, this cannot be possible without a team that knows how to use technology in their favor and not against. 

Here we present 5 benefits of training your staff in the use of digital tools; 

1. Saves money: 

Properly trained staff spends less time solving problems (or creating them) which gives them more time to focus on productive tasks that generate income. It can also help reduce paperwork and expenses on office supplies since a person who takes full advantage of technology tools has all their files accessible online.

2. Saves time: 

When employees know the applications they use from the inside out, they can work quickly and finish projects with ease. It also saves you time when it comes to; scheduling appointments, building reports, acquiring statistics, distributing notices, obtaining or accessing information, and in many other tasks; but that only when your collaborators learn to take advantage of digital tools, otherwise you will lose time instead. 

3. Increase self-esteem and confidence:

Not knowing how something works when everyone else is using it takes heavy toll on someone's self-esteem. Confident collaborators make better workers. When people know how to do their job efficiently, they are much more likely to be happy in their position, resulting in less turnover for the business. 

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Photo by James Thomas on Unsplash

4. Encourages team collaboration:

Training requires employees from different departments to come together as a team, learning not only from the instructor but also from each other. More experienced and seasoned users can participate and help those around them who have a hard time understanding technology. With this everyone can see how other departments work and appreciate them better. 

5. Cultivates loyalty

Collaborators appreciate when leaders invest in their training, especially when it comes to technology. This is because they’ll acquire knowledge they can apply in other areas other than work and improve their quality of life. This causes people to feel valued and grateful which manages to lower staff turnover.

Training your collaborators in the field of technology is becoming more and more a necessity rather than a whim. We are becoming increasingly dependent on digital tools and knowing how to navigate technological environments will be the key that opens the doors to the future of your business. 

Discover: Business accelerator; the tool you don't know you need.

To know all the benefits that digital transformation can bring you or your business and to learn how to take advantage of technology, there are business accelerator programs that help businesses set a goal and establish a path so you and your collaborators can begin updating. 

And you, have you updated already?

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