Before workplaces, salaries were the most important thing for somebody looking for a job. Times have change, and now the relative economic safety allows people to focus on other aspects of a job, like localization, profession, among other things.

Collaborators are your labor force and their happiness have a huge effect in the accomplishment of your goals. Get to know these 3 positive changes that you can achieve by moving to a Business Center Club with a proper workplace.

1. Less Absenteeism, More Motivation

Photo by: © Luis Pegut

Of course, we can’t expect our workplace to be a wonderful place taken out of the Wizard of Oz. We all have something we’d rather do or somewhere we’d rather be. Yet, if your collaborators wake up cursing out loud because they need to go to work, that workplace is most certainly not a nice place for them.

The workplace must be attractive to avoid absenteeism. There are simple ways of achieving this, for instance, getting a room with natural light, nice temperature and a good distribution. The coworking space go even further and offer charming facilities that motivate the collaborators to avoid absenteeism and perform better their functions.

Business centers like Apple and Google are known for “stealing” the best young talent in the world. Sure, pay is good, but what really persuades them are the innovative workplaces that guarantee better well-being and benefits. Don’t steal talent, conquer it with your workplaces.

2. Less Stress, More Achievements

Photo by: Yanalya

Since we can be at a workplace for even more than 8 hours, our second home can easily become the residence of the stress monster, who is capable of chewing and devouring your business’ goals.

According to the American Institute of Stress, 48% of the stress a collaborator feels comes from people issues plus their juggling work with their personal lives. For this reason, the benefits that new collaborators ask for go from kitchens and living rooms, to gaming rooms and spas, so they can mitigate their stress.

Besides being able to focus only on your business, being in a Business Center Club with innovative workplaces will keep the stress monster away from your collaborators, who could clear their heads and relax without leaving the workplace.

3. Less Functions, More Focused

Photo by: Freepik

Sometimes the programmer must answer the phone to attend a client or, for a lack of personnel, the graphic designer will have to sweep the floors in the workplace today. Your collaborators and you know it: they are not capacitated to do that job nor it’s their function.

The coworking spaces are taking over the traditional office rental. Among other reasons, because of their service of shared reception that avoids this type of inconveniences and work overload.

Receive your clients in nice receptions with capacitated personnel and let your collaborators work on their specific functions to reach your professional goals.

Being part of a Business Center Club has a lot of benefits to enhance the efficiency of your collaborators. Are you ready to experience it first hand?

Cover Photo by: Peoplecreations