Cities that share a border work in a strange way, so it’s the case with Ciudad Juarez and El Paso, Texas, which are affected by the political decisions of both countries, but they always seem to somehow end up in a good position and benefit from each other’s policies. No matter what, there always seems to be a cloud of phenomenon above them ready to pour down. I don’t know what it is, you can call it what you want.

Workforce solutions for both employers and employees are everywhere in any binational region. Let’s analyze briefly one niche so we can inspect the legs of this weird animal and maybe —just maybe— we can put a name to it.

Give us a call

Photo by: Freepik

Do you know Spanish? Do you know English? No? Well, let me give a call to my buddy over there, crossing the border. One of the most offered jobs in this binational region has got to be the call centers.

The lowest payment you can get on a call center in Ciudad Juarez is 6,950 pesos monthly, roughly 386 dollars (18 pesos for dollar). On the contrary, one of the highest paying call centers would give to their collaborators 9,519 pesos per month (529 dollars). Estimates were taken from Indeed.

In El Paso, Texas, the lowest payroll is of 1,280 dollars monthly (23,040‬ pesos) and the highest 2,880 dollars (51,840 pesos). This estimate was made considering the pay for hour and assuming they work 8 hours a day for 5 days a week.

It’s no surprise that Mexicans who can work in the US go to El Paso, Texas, to be in a call center. The ones who can’t go will have to sign with a local call center and hope for the best.

Still, things fall into place. Usually students from Ciudad Juarez will take the local jobs and are receiving relatively good money for their age.

Like a Hotline

Photo by: Dragana_Gordic

So, when businessmen talk about codependence in the border region, this is part of what they mean. Business Centers from El Paso, Texas, can come to Ciudad Juarez and pay students money they value, yet for the company isn’t that much.

Likewise, a call center in the US often have foreign workers that value that job because they expend their money in Ciudad Juarez or other parts in Mexico.

As a binational region we always find a way to work things out. Everyday new companies are made and planned. Eventually, even more innovative models will emerge and will connect this region like a hotline.

So be sure to give us a call, because we harbor the most innovative minds of the region. Have your workplace in our facilities and help us economically boost this region.

Cover Photo by: Senivpetro