There are those who have no problem returning to work in person, and those who want to wait until the vast majority of people are vaccinated, however, a safe return to the office actually depends on other actions and safety measures that can be implemented immediately.

When the vaccine emerged, we hoped it meant we could soon return to our normal lives and to the office, but there are many people who decided against getting vaccinated for various reasons. This has caused an ethical conflict on the subject of vaccination, since democracy endows citizens with the right to choose and freedom to decide on their own bodies. For this reason, people cannot be forced to get vaccinated. The problem is that, by refusing to receive the vaccine, this virus could continue to spread in the workplace and we would never see the end of this pandemic.

Being aware of all this, some employers have tried to force their workers to get vaccinated and tested, yet this is an action that violates the rights and freedoms of employees. Therefore, rather than entering into a legal conflict, it is important to build bonds of trust and cooperation between collaborators and leaders to create suitable work environments for a safe return to the office. To arrive at this mutual understanding, it is necessary to understand two things about office health and safety: the mental health of the employees and the three measures that employers must apply in their workspaces.

Employee health and wellbeing in the workplace

When we talk about employee wellbeing in the workplace, we have to take into account their mental and physical health. In these times of pandemic, we are all aware of the physiological risks we have when leaving home, but not so much of the psychological damages. It has been a little over a year of total or partial closure of all entertainment businesses and places of congregation for some this has meant unemployment overnight. It is a period full of uncertainty that keeps workers tense and worried. This anxiety and negative emotions are born partly out of fear that their jobs are not guaranteed, but also due to the fear of catching COVID in their place of work.

The negative impact this has had on everyone's personal economics creates enough problems in the head of a person. As a company, you must intervene to prevent further wear and tear on your collaborators' wellbeing while in the workplace. One way to do this is by complying with the provisions of the Official Mexican Standard 035, known as NOM035. If you still do not know how to comply with it, you can check this blog note about it.

Regarding physical health, employers must offer safe workspaces for their employees. Your two options are: bear the expenses to ensure a sterilized workplace or get an office in an all-inclusive business center to take care of the disinfection for you. Technology HUB keeps its facilities sanitized so that employees and visitors of the various companies that live in it feel protected and safe to work without distractions ultimately increasing their productivity. Rent an office with us and keep your team mentally and physically safe.

Measures against Covid-19 in the workplace

Collaborators cannot be forced to get vaccinated, but there is still much a business can do to maintain a safe workspace. Bettina Scheller, president of the World Employment Confederation (WEC), believes that, as employers, three measures have to be taken simultaneously to protect your collaborator’s wellbeing: prevention, testing and traceability.

  1. Prevention. This will always be the most effective way to fight any virus or disease. Both in offices and at home, it is necessary to continue with the prevention measures that we already know and recite by heart: hand washing, using face masks and respecting a healthy distance.
  2. Tests. Continuing to apply virus detection tests constantly is recommended, however, there is no single way to proceed in this matter, since each country has its own vaccination strategy and its possibilities of accessing tests and vaccines. Consider the best option for you and your collaborators.
  3. Traceability. This is essential for making decisions within companies. If the two previous points fail, it is essential to be able to follow the route of infection. Identifying the people with whom a person infected with Covid-19 has had contact is imperative to avoid further spread within the workspace.

Continue to carry out this process at your company's facilities to keep your work team safe. If you are thinking of getting a hygienic and sanitized office, contact us to find out the ideal space for you and your collaborators.