The 4ht cohort of The Bridge Accelerator has already started and participating companies are promptly compleating the first modules of the Spring 2021 program. But... what exactly is that these modules are about and how will they help their companies?

The Bridge Accelerator has a program designed specifically to help businesses learn innovative strategies to improve many aspects of their company, including ways and requirements to approach international manufacturing corporations with operations in the region.

The program includes the following modules:

Module 1.   Innovation Fundamentals  and Tech Trends.
Module 2.  Customer Discovery and Value Proposition Design.
Module 3.    Marketing Strategy. Pitch, Deck, and Media kit Preparation.
Module 4.   Project Management Agile-Scrum.
Module 5.  Quality Systems and Compliance.
Module 6.  Sales and Financial Strategy.
Module 7.  Talent Development and Management.
Module 8.   Intellectual Protection and Alliances.
Module 9.  Capital Investment Fundamentals.
Module 10. Business Model Innovation.

Each of the modules will give participants the tools they need to analyze their companies and formulate a plan to implement more effective strategies in every area and obtain the  necessary standards to compete on the global market. During every module participants receive personalized attention from the instructors who help them formulate custom-tailored solutions to their companies' unique individual issues.

After completion of the program, businesses will leave with an understanding of the specific requirements of the manufacturing industry and binational business culture, identify the relationship between innovation and the supply chain, identify models and intellectual property connection, market strategies and funding.

Along the way participants will also redefine or reinforce their sales approach and walk out with the knowledge to pitch it out of the park.

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