“When you can measure, you can manage”. Pete Drucker

Pete Drucker gives a quick answer to the question, but there are a lot of important and interesting points surrounding data centers.

The rapid evolution of internet and the need to always be connected have forced companies to require a high level of flexibility and security regarding the protection of their company's information.

Also, the arrival of an industry 4.0 more specialized and with more technology have given companies the ability to measure and make better decisions taking into consideration the data stored in a data center.

Data Center Functions

Photo by: Senivpetro

A data center stores data, treats and distributes them to the staff or uses the data in authorized processes to consult and modify them. Likewise, you can utilize innovative tools to analyze data, make better decisions and even save money for your company.

Data is not just stored, is in constant motion, so you need engines that moves data fast and a continual maintenance. Also, servers where the data is kept must be in an optimal environment and under no relentless threat from nature and weather changes.

For these reasons, a data center must be located where safety norms can be accomplished so precious data is not damaged or lost. Having a optic fiber internet connection helps a lot when it comes to the operation and maintenance of the data center.

Keep reading and learn which are the type of security that a data center must comply.

Types of Security in a Data Center

Photo by: Senivpetro

In Technology HUB we’ve achieved a high level of availability for companies that process information in our facilities, through the correct placement of electrical, mechanical, security and telecommunication components that conform it.

The virtual data centers have a lower cost just for the fact that they’re not physical. Every data center is independent to the rest and has maximum guarantee of safety, availability and flexibility.

This is the way Technology HUB have maintained 2 safety lineaments in a low operation budget context, that translate into savings for all the supply chain.

1. Physical safety of hardware systems, support, dependencies and other physical entities of the environment where the data center is located.

It’s necessary to have security so physical equipment is not damaged. Dangers go from careless people to weather or elements exposure, for instance, water, dust or too much heat.

2. Safety logistics regarding apps protection, protocols and processes that intervene in the system. They’re complemented by security network elements, like firewalls, Intrusion Detection System (IDS) and antivirus.

If you work from home, you probably don’t have a clue about these things. It’s the type of service that’s best to leave to the experts. Remember: working in a business center like Technology HUB will always be a safer place to store your company’s data.

A data center is like a bank, where you safely store your equipment and information systems. Your company’s information is as valuable as money, so you must take care of it as well.

Now you have a clearer picture of what a data center is and have learned about 2 of the most important lineaments you have to comply.

Let’s help you improve your company through our catalog of services for the industry!

Cover Photo by: Fullvector