If you fight the monster too long, you can become one. What motivates the one who’s always motivating inside the business center? Fighting boredom and a toxic work environment can end up turning you into a monster if you don’t keep motivated.
I’ll tell you about Jorge Gabriel so that you, as him, understand why you must motivate your collaborators to motivate yourself and this way everybody in the enterprise will benefit and feel part of a family.
Act I
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Not many winters ago, Jorge Gabriel was a collaborator in a maquila. Since his first day, he felt the cold treatment of his companions, that he would later understand it was due to the attitude of the so called “leader”.
Jorge Gabriel understood the difference between chief and leader, so he always aspired to have his own enterprise under his own rules.
For this experience, Jorge Gabriel decided he would treat his collaborators with affection; he wouldn’t bring them breakfast to their desks, but maybe would leave the orders of the day in a cute post-it.
In his imagination, he demanded nicely to comply with the goals established and they acceded with pleasure. That, for him, was the perfect balance that would lead his enterprise to success.
Act II
Photo by: Pressfoto
When he was finally head of department, Jorge Gabriel was not happy. His personnel didn’t seem to be as motivated as he expected them to be. Seeing how the distance grew between him and his collaborators, he himself started feeling unmotivated.
One afternoon he commented the situation to his friend Teodoro Huberto, who questioned him intrigued about the treatment he gave his collaborators.
“Why would you refuse that to a collaborator?” Asked Teodoro Huberto worried about the mental health of his friend.
“What do you mean why…? We have a goal to accomplish”. Responded Jorge Gabriel.
“And I’m sure that your collaborator would’ve done his work with pleasure if you would’ve let him off that day and pay the hours later; it’s all good, they’re humans in the end”. Concluded Huberto.
Photo by: Jcomp
After reflection on those words for a time, Jorge Gabriel recognized the mistake in which he had fallen, and was grateful of having the help of his friend Teodoro Huberto. So, he introduced a flexible schedule and made it easier for his collaborators to better their quality of work life.
Now, Jorge Gabriel owns a unicorn enterprise and has been on the cover of Times many times. He’s still motivated and constantly looks out for new solutions to the problems of his collaborators to keep his enterprise in good shape.
Technology HUB is the Teodoro Huberto of the Industry. Be a part of our cluster and let’s boost together the economy of the region!
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