You know what they say: when in T-HUB, do as the hubbits do.

You’re not familiar with the beings called hubbits? They usually roam around T-HUB. Hubbits are philanthropy beings who constantly participate in social actions that mainly benefit the whole region.

I could spend pages describing such cute and talented beings since they come in various sizes and packages but let me show you what they feel and think.

The Coolest Glasses of the Region

Photo by: Borjandreu

You don’t need to read this if you’ve been to T-HUB. Let me write it again for the ones in the back. Ecology is something important for hubbits. Their facilities respect the environment and their actions set an example to improve our planet.

As hubbits, they want to connect minds. And not just any minds, but the brightest and most innovative minds in the region. That’s why they launched a platform for innovation and smart manufacturing projects, focused on education and collaboration, to contribute to the economic development of the region.

They also have the best glasses in the region, that’s why their vision is to be the detonator of a binational ecosystem that develops innovation leaders and positions Ciudad Juarez, El Paso and New Mexico as the center of gravity of North America. Do you share their vision?

How about reading more about this?: Ciudad Juarez and El Paso, Texas: 3 Benefits of Having Your Workplace Near the Border


Photo by: ArthurHidden

These hubbits share important values. One of these is collaboration, to build a community powered by collaborative knowledge. Their coworking space is the physical manifestation of this value. They help each other grow because they know that’s what’ll position the region that they all live in.

Hubbits have a strong sense of responsibility to build and maintain strong relationships with the community for the benefit of the region’s development. This is accompanied by trust, to ensure among the collaborators the commitment acquired when undertaking any action.

In Technology HUB, hubbits believe in equality. Everybody has equal opportunities regardless of gender, age, race, creed, religion or political preference. We’re all united with the same objective of empowering the economic development of the region.

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It doesn’t really matter if you want to become like this or not. Once you step inside the natural environment of these hubbits, you become infected with an unexplainable urge to boost the region and connect with the brightest minds.

Cover Photo by: © Luis Pegut